Is The NIH Promoting Horse Dewormer?

During the Covid crisis, anyone who took Ivermectin (IVM), to treat Covid, or promoted it, were attacked, ridiculed, censored, deplatformed, or had their license revoked. But now, the National Institute of Health's website lists Ivermectin, as an antiparasitic drug, that's "being evaluated for its effectiveness to treat Covid". NIH is late to the party, many … Continue reading Is The NIH Promoting Horse Dewormer?

This Is How They Planned Covid

The assertion, that SARS-CoV-2 isn't a natural virus and that the Covid pandemic was planned, has been the central theme of conspiracy theories, opinions and reports, that have diverged from the official Covid narrative. Although the evidence for the "Plandemic" is undeniable, most of the public have only been exposed to bits and pieces of … Continue reading This Is How They Planned Covid

Covid Shots and Transhumanism

A belief, that the next step in humanity's evolution is transhumanism, the enhancement of the human condition by means of science and technology has long been held by intellectuals, world leaders and influential individuals. A "marriage of man and machine", implanting technology into the human body would allow humans to evolve beyond their current physical … Continue reading Covid Shots and Transhumanism

How I Protect Myself From Viral and Spike Protein Shedding

[Disclaimer: I am sharing my personal routine, this is not medical advice and not intended to replace recommendations from your medical professionals.] Viral shedding is the process of expulsion of a virus from the body into the environment, where it can lead to infections, a "person to person" transmission. Covid vaccines are non-sterilizing, that means … Continue reading How I Protect Myself From Viral and Spike Protein Shedding

Reporting Bias in Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy

When the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were rolled out in December 2020, their claimed efficacy rate were 94 - 95%. But this is misleading and the 60% of new infections that were found among vaccinated persons just a few months later, by April 2021, confirmed this. The way data from clinical studies are calculated and … Continue reading Reporting Bias in Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy

6 Reasons Why I Didn’t Take the Covid Vaccine

DNA Manipulation Unlike traditional vaccines, Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines, a first in the history of vaccinations. Based on new and untested technology, mRNA vaccines have the ability to penetrate the cells and reprogram, alter our DNA. While traditional vaccines can be "detoxed" from the body, RNA vaccine's effects are permanent. Damage to our DNA … Continue reading 6 Reasons Why I Didn’t Take the Covid Vaccine