130 Years of Failed Climate Predictions

Turn on your television and whether you'll be watching news reports, talk shows, late night "comedies", or travel shows, chances are you'll hear climate change / global warming mentioned. That is, because the planetary situation is serious, we are told that climate change is so bad, it is an existential threat. What the public doesn't … Continue reading 130 Years of Failed Climate Predictions

Reporting Bias in Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy

When the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were rolled out in December 2020, their claimed efficacy rate were 94 - 95%. But this is misleading and the 60% of new infections that were found among vaccinated persons just a few months later, by April 2021, confirmed this. The way data from clinical studies are calculated and … Continue reading Reporting Bias in Covid-19 Vaccine Efficacy

From Democracy to Dictatorship in 3 Steps

The strategies by which tyrannical regimes were created throughout history, can be simplified in 3 steps. This process is now taking place in the United States, with step number 3 being implemented. Use a real, or staged event as a flashpoint. Blame and denounce your political opposition. Enact policies to eliminate dissent, until power is … Continue reading From Democracy to Dictatorship in 3 Steps

“There is no Evidence for Election Fraud…

...and if you believe it, you are a brainwashed Trump supporter, a cultist and a domestic terrorist." This is the message we've been seeing in the mainstream media since the presidential election. When a political party labels its opponents terrorists and extremists, that is an agenda to suppress dissent and create a one party rule … Continue reading “There is no Evidence for Election Fraud…

6 Reasons Why I Didn’t Take the Covid Vaccine

DNA Manipulation Unlike traditional vaccines, Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines, a first in the history of vaccinations. Based on new and untested technology, mRNA vaccines have the ability to penetrate the cells and reprogram, alter our DNA. While traditional vaccines can be "detoxed" from the body, RNA vaccine's effects are permanent. Damage to our DNA … Continue reading 6 Reasons Why I Didn’t Take the Covid Vaccine

The Hidden History of the Democratic Party

The Democratic party has a racist history. Though this is not disputed, they have gone to great length to hide it, by erasing it from textbooks and replacing it with misleading propaganda. Nevertheless, it is well documented, there is even a 13 volume set of congressional investigations in the Library of Congress from 1872, titled: … Continue reading The Hidden History of the Democratic Party

The Deception of Identity Politics

Identity Politics is a political activity, or style, that caters to the cultural, ethnic, gender, racial, religious, ideological, national, sexual orientation, gender expression, or social interests, that characterize a group identity. It focuses on the issues, relevant to various groups, which are all defined by their shared characteristics. The typical goal of identity politics is … Continue reading The Deception of Identity Politics

Manufacturing Consent: Fear and Social Control

Freedom is very important to people. The value placed upon it is such, that many have given their lives in their pursuit of freedom throughout history. But there is one circumstance, in which most people are willing to give up some of that freedom. When they are concerned about their safety, when they, or their … Continue reading Manufacturing Consent: Fear and Social Control