The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is A Danger To Freedom Everywhere

The World Health Organization has functioned as an advisory agency, that “works with member states to achieve the highest standard of health for all people”.

The Pandemic Treaty is an international agreement on pandemic preparedness, prevention and response as well as proposed amendments to the international health regulations, to be adopted under the WHO.

But the treaty has serious implications for sovereignty, democracy and personal rights. The agreement would turn the WHO into a regulatory agency and it would be legally binding on member states.

What this means, is that the unelected bureaucrats of the WHO could decide to declare a pandemic, mandate vaccinations and federal, state, or local governments of member states would have no choice, but to comply with it.

Sounds like a scheme, to implement a global tyranny, under the guise of protecting our health. Here are some of the key points:

Dr. John Campbell interview with Philip Kruse, attorney from Switzerland, discussing the problems with the treaty,

How can you help?

There are petitions to sign. Contact your elected representatives and inform them through phone call, e-mail, or physical mail. Many don’t know what’s in the treaty.

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